“Science, Technology and Life”

In these texts, we can learn more about how technology has impacted our relationships based on culture. It talks about how technology allows us multiple things today; it allows us to survive the world and even more. This is what will be explored here. Being part of area 4, it is planned and worked in a more artistic form that allows us to explore things in a slightly different way. The scientific side is explored in the same way, its scientific construction, to be exact, and an intertwined relationship with technology. We move on to other topics in which science expands to nuclear fusion, in which it is understood that the continuous understanding of this base in the construction of minds and actions is observed.
Area 4 handles these issues more than anything for understanding since more scientific issues are not usually very attached to this area; there is a line of understanding in which they connect and relate.

Soto Aspra, Rodríguez Salinas
Area 4

Science and technology

Carl Sagan said: “We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.”

Today, this phrase is more relevant than ever because, with the rise of mobile devices that are increasingly smaller, faster, and more “intelligent”, and that, in theory, should help us make our lives easier, we only see the growth of things we thought extinct.

An example is a misinformation about things as basic as the shape of the planet we live on, the efficiency of vaccines that took years, even centuries, to develop, or the advances that have been achieved thanks to scientific and technological development.

In modern times the use of technology, especially in basic education, is quite naive, and yet the roots and the reason for the knowledge that is intended to be acquired have been lost. Solving an equation is the easiest if you have the right application, but knowing what’s behind it is gradually being lost.

Part of this first edition aims to rescue that part of knowledge, making use of the questions raised by the students of the last year of high school regarding: What do they want to understand about the world around them? And how to convey it to your peers in a way that can arouse that curiosity.

Alberto Valtierra, Zeus

Valeria Pérez, The Stars are shining for a reason, 6°B Area 4

Is actuary a science?

Fabián Martínez 6°A, Area 1

Based on the definition of the Universidad del Valle de Puebla (2022), actuarial science is a discipline and profession that is in charge of “applying statistical and mathematical models for risk assessment in the insurance and financial industry”. Therefore, due to their extensive knowledge of financial guarantee systems, they provide evaluations on the probability of events and quantify the results to minimize losses. However, have you ever wondered why the actuarial degree is part of the faculty of sciences at UNAM if it is a career that focuses on solving financial and economic problems? Or why the actuarial career involves so much mathematics in its curriculum?
In principle, it is important to clarify that actuarial science requires complex mathematical models, algorithms, and computer systems to make these forecasts based on the probability of the occurrence of certain events and protocols that allow dealing with complex situations outside the proposed scenarios, as well as investment in technology (Vázquez, 2020). Therefore, this science is constantly evolving since models must focus on economic reality and anticipate possible future outcomes and situations in the coming years to provide timely provisions. In addition, the models quantify the volume of risks with probability percentages. It is also worth mentioning that some of the fields of work of actuaries are the following: “statistical departments, social security, private companies, insurance, financial institutions, banks, consulting, auditing and firms” (My University Career, 2022).

For the study of actuarial science, we start with mortality tables to find the survival probabilities of each year, where stochastic models are used to represent a specific situation, its static nature, and its evolution, so a dynamic model is obtained, which corresponds to the theory of stochastic processes (Vásquez & Faustina, 2017). A stochastic model is considered “a dynamic system changing over time, conformed by random variables and analyzing probability terms” (Andrade et al., 2020). So it is important to mention that according to the UNAM curriculum (2022), the undergraduate degree in actuarial science in the faculty of sciences also involves subjects such as differential and integral calculus, algebra, analytical geometry, insurance theory, differential equations, probability, data management, statistical inference, nonparametric and regression models, quantitative methods, among others. Likewise, the difficulty of these subjects and sciences of exact mathematics have the same complexity or share similarities in their study plans with engineering courses in the same faculty.

It is necessary to emphasize that the world needs more actuaries who, despite the complexity of their career, integrate people who have creativity, deep interest in the application of knowledge to real problems, tenacity, and perseverance for the analysis and solution of problems, who are organized, and who at least share some affinity, taste or attention for understanding mathematical models and theories, as well as the management of computer programs (UNAM, 2022).

• Andrade, M., Urgilés, P. and Estrella, M., 2020. Tecnologías de la información y comunicación en el desarrollo de modelos estocásticos aplicados al sector de la salud – MEDICINA BUENOS AIRES. [online]
Medicinabuenosaires.com. Available [Accessed 6 October 2022].
• La Salle, 2022. Licenciatura en Actuaría-LaSalle. [online] Universidad La Salle|Licenciatura en Actuaría. Available at: [Accessed 6 October 2022].
• López, J., 2019. Ciencias actuariales y financieras: Todo lo que debes saber. [online] Carreras Universitarias. Available at: https://economipedia.com/definiciones/proceso-estocastico.html. [Accessed 6 October 2022].
• Mi Carrera Universitaria, 2022. Ciencias actuariales y financieras: Todo lo que debes saber. [online] Carreras Universitarias. Available at: [Accessed 6 October 2022].
• UNAM, 2022. PLAN DE ESTUDIOS ACTUARÍA (SISTEMA ESCOLARIZADO). [online] Available at: http://oferta.unam.mx/actuaria.html. [Accessed 6 October 2022].
• UVP, 2022. Actuaría. [online] ¿Qué es, para que sirve y donde puedo estudiarla?. Available at: https://uvp.mx/uvpblog/actuaria/ [Accessed 6 October 2022].
• Vásquez, R. and Faustina, M., 2017. Modelos estocásticos dinámicos en matemática actuarial – Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de El Salvador. [online] Ri.ues.edu.sv. Available at: https://ri.ues.edu.sv/id/eprint/13915/ [Accessed 6 October 2022].
• Vázquez, R., 2020. Ciencia actuarial. [online] Economipedia. Available at: [Accessed 6 October 2022].

How does an engine work?

García Duran 6°A, Area 1

How does an engine work? But not any type of motor, a Formula 1 engine. We have all heard about Formula 1 because it is an incredible sport, and it gives us all a lot of different emotions and excitement during the races and the whole season.
Formula 1 cars, to reach high speeds, need a higher potential with minimum use of gas, and they also seek better aerodynamics. The engine that is used are engines that have internal combustion with turbocharges, and they have a recovery system stored in batteries that are used to have additional acceleration through torque and thus help in their speed.
Internal combustion is where the gas is burned inside the hermetic chamber (where no other fluid is allowed to pass), and this causes the fuel that is at high pressure to push the pistons down and thus turns the crankshaft (the part that makes the pistons move up and down), and this creates kinetic energy to the car.
Something also important to know is what the air intake of the cars is for; it regulates the intake system, and the more cold oxygen entering the engine, the more efficient the burning of fuel and the stronger the explosion of the engine, the air intake is also responsible for the speed and ideal temperature through the radiators or intercoolers in the engine (are those that make an intermediary between the turbo and the engine intake, and this is responsible for keeping the engine at an optimum temperature to be used to its highest and best potential). There is also an air filter that retains air pollutants and keeps them from mixing with the oil and fuel entering the engine.
That is what we all should know to understand the function of a Formula 1 car and any other car and the functions of the different elements of an engine.

Notario, B.M. (2019) El intercooler: Qué Es y Cómo funciona, Todas las noticias de coches en un solo portal: Pruebas, fotos, vídeos, informes… Available at: https://noticias.coches.com/consejos/intercooler-que-es-y-como-funciona/160303 (Accessed: August 25, 2022).
Zapata, A. (2022) Qué es y cómo funciona el sistema de Admisión de Aire, Autolab. Autolab. Available at: https://autolab.mx/blog/sistema-de-admision-de-aire/ (Accessed: August 23, 2022).
SVadmin (2021) Cómo Funciona el motor de un Fórmula 1?, Récord absoluto. Available at: https://doblered.net/deportes-individuales/como-funciona-el-motor-de- un-formula-1.html (Accessed: August 23, 2022).

Mirelle Arellano, 6°B Area 4°

Nuclear Fusion

Jiménez Climent 6°A, Area 1

We live in a world that works based on fossil fuels; over time, despite having worked to maintain a society dependent on energy and technology, climate change has been present in the long run and has recently become an issue. If we want a source of energy that can solve all the problems of climate change and energy supply, the energy of the Sun and other stars would be needed as a source. However, it seems that mastering this energy is an almost impossible task.

At the beginning of the year 2022, the experiment belonging to Europe, known as JET, was able to beat the record for energy generated inside a fusion reactor. On the other hand, the United States recovered 70% of the energy that was supplied to its apparatus to initiate the reaction; this is a success since, in the past, only 3% could be recovered. And finally, the EAST prototype, a Chinese-owned fusion reactor, could keep the plasma produced by the fusion reaction confined for a full 17 minutes.

The importance of all these achievements is that achieving the dream of nuclear fusion, clean, cheap, and almost unlimited energy, is more possible.

What is the fuel of the stars?

Stars shine for a reason, and that is nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is “the union of atomic nuclei of an element to form another heavier nucleus. In the process, some mass is lost, which is converted to energy and given off in the form of light and heat.” – (How Do You See? No. 190). That is to say, the stars are nothing more than a bunch of huge spheres mainly composed of hydrogen [H], in which their interior has such an enormous gravitational attraction force that the matter is compressed until it reaches temperatures of millions of degrees. It is because of these conditions that hydrogen is not found in a liquid, solid, or even gaseous form; hydrogen is found in the form of plasma.

We must remember that plasma is a state where particles have been electronically charged, and their electrons have separated from their atomic nuclei. And in the case of hydrogen, the same thing happens, but although these repel each other because they have the same electrical charge, the unimaginable temperatures, and pressure force them to get close enough to stick together again, thus forming the atomic nuclei of helium [ I have].

It is this whole process that we know as nuclear fusion; If the conditions of temperature and pressure can be sustained over time, it is possible that the fusion reaction can appear and maintain itself because the energy it releases is far greater than the energy it consumes. This is why it is considered a practically unlimited energy resource since, with its surplus energy, the rest can be used to generate electricity. (It is highly profitable since hydrogen, the natural fuel for fusion, is not only found in stars but also on our planet).


It is too difficult for the current human to recreate the conditions of what happens inside the stars on planet Earth. This is since the high pressures of the Sun cannot be reached, and as a substitute for the problem, the hydrogen must be heated even more to achieve the desired effect; we are talking about temperatures of more than 150 million degrees and staying that way, confined, long enough for both nuclei to fuse.

That’s when another problem appears: at these temperatures, the plasma would end up melting the container that was used to contain it, and on the contrary, if the container can resist even a little, when it comes into contact with the plasma produced, this it would finish cooling enough to stop the fusion reaction.

Divulgación de Ciencia UNAM (2022). Fusión Nuclear. La carrera para dominarla. ¿cómo ves?, 1, pp.8–13.

Natalia Navarro, A very Energetic Star, 6°B Area 4


Sofía Calvo, 6°A, Area 1

What is CERN?

CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research (name in Spanish), which comes from the French name Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire and was founded in 1954 in Geneva. It is a laboratory dedicated to research to build models of international cooperation to increase knowledge about the universe of which we are part, preparing, executing, analyzing, and interpreting data from complex scientific experiments.

Today it is a model of international scientific collaboration and one of the most important research centers in the world. It currently has 20 member states.

Cern’s first scientific success was in 1984, with the discovery of bosons by Carlo Rubbia and Simon van der Meer, and they won the Nobel Prize in Physics. And in 1992, Georges Charpak won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the invention and development of particle detectors, in particular for the multithread proportional chamber. 

What is done in this laboratory?

At CERN, particles are accelerated to speeds close to the speed of light and collide inside a detector to study their interactions. CERN is composed of a succession of accelerators that increase the energy of particles. At CERN is the LHC, Large Hadron Collider or Large Hadron Collider, is the most powerful particle accelerator in the world and is located at a depth of 100 m underground. It consists of a 27-kilometer ring of superconducting magnets with a series of accelerator structures to increase the energy of the particles on the road. It became operational on 10 October 2008.


What is done at CERN? (s. f.). Higgs’ Boson. Retrieved August 22, 2022, from https://boson-de-higgs.webnode.es/%c2%bfque-se-hace-en-el-cern2/

R. (2020, January 23). 11 curiosities about the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. http://www.nationalgeographic.com.es. Retrieved 08-22-2022, from https://www.nationalgeographic.com.es/ciencia/grandes- reports/11-things-you-didn’t-know-about-lhc-cern_13139

What is CERN? | asturchemistry. (s.f.). asturchemistry. Retrieved August 23, 2022, from http://www.asturquimica.com/node/259 • Aquae Foundation. (2021, February 19). What is CERN? – Aquae Foundation. Retrieved August 23, 2022, from https://www.fundacionaquae.org/que-es-el-cern

Marian Monterrubio, 6°B, Area 4


Santiago Martin Sanchez Bolivar, 6°A, Area 1

Quantum cryptography is nearing a mass production stage, using lasers to emit information in the constituent elements of light, the photon, and conducting this information through optical fibers. In this article, we will be looking at one of the best forms of encryption created by quantum cryptography, cryptography that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to ensure that the transmitted information is secure and encrypted in a way that only the receiver can read it.

Normal crypters usually use a password or key and transform the letters and numbers into symbols so that only the one who has the key can decrypt the message; however, it is not a secure method since today, databases of hashes and different types are used of cryptography that allows decrypting a code with a brute force attack. A solution for this problem is quantum encryption since instead of using symbols, we use photons of light and different waves, which, depending on the volatility and intensity, will represent a different symbol. 

Using quantum superpositions or quantum entanglement and transmitting information in quantum states, a communication system can be implemented that detects eavesdropping. If the eavesdropping level is below a certain threshold, a key can be generated that is guaranteed to be secure (i.e., no one unwanted will have information about it); otherwise, it is not possible to obtain a secure key, and it is canceled. the communication.

Quantum key distribution is only used to generate and distribute a key, not to transmit message data. This key can be used with any chosen encryption algorithm to encrypt (and decrypt) a message, which can then be transmitted over a standard communication channel. The algorithm most commonly associated with QKD is the one-time notepad.

Another great advantage is that a quantum computer is needed to decrypt, which is less common to have access to, that is why quantum encryption shows us once again how wonderful the quantum world is and the enormous number of possibilities it has.


Gisin, Nicolas; Ribordy, Grégoire; Tittel, Wolfgang; Zbinden, Hugo (8 de marzo de 2002). «Quantum cryptography». Reviews of Modern Physics 74 (1): 145-195. ISSN 0034-6861. doi:10.1103/revmodphys.74.145. 

Saltar a:a b Nielsen, Michael A.; Chuang, Isaac L. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. Cambridge University Press. pp. 528-607. ISBN 9780511976667. 

Shannon, C. E. (1949-10). «Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems*». Bell System Technical Journal 28 (4): 656-715. ISSN 0005-8580. doi:10.1002/j.1538-7305.1949.tb00928. x. 

Brassard, Gilles; Salvail, Louis. Advances in Cryptology — EUROCRYPT ’93. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 410-423. ISBN 9783540576006. 


Frida Mendoza 6°A, Area 1

Architecture has a high demand for building materials; Therefore, a large number of natural resources must be obtained, which have environmental impacts produced by their use in all the sectors involved in the construction of a property.

Science and technology connect with architecture to implement and promote sustainable development. It consists of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable construction has four principles: analyzing the life cycle of materials, building for the long term, reducing the use of energy and water in operation, and creating healthy environments for occupants and the surrounding environment.

Materials used: such as concrete, steel, and plastics, are non-renewable synthetic materials. These have a high carbon footprint due to the energy accumulated in their manufacture. The analysis of the life cycle of materials is studied from their extraction, to their manipulation in projects, or otherwise in the waste. The purpose of this analysis is to search for local renewable materials that are durable. This balances with the useful life of these materials: the total energy consumption involved in the cycle of use of the material is reduced, at the same time that architectural techniques with renewable energies such as sunlight, wind, or geothermal energy are sought. Without neglecting the search for a non-toxic environment, with materials that do not give off toxic gas emissions.

Science has developed different materials with modern properties that could be useful for construction. Such as self-cleaning paints, wind turbines, transparent wood, a light-permeable wall made of translucent concrete, etc. In this way, science and architecture will continue with the same goal of reducing pollution of the environment, at the same time that we build the places of our society and its cities.

Ciencia y tecnología de materiales, construcción sostenible y arquitectura (no date) Revistanotas.org. Available at: https://revistanotas.org/revistas/41/2294-ciencia-y-tecnologia-de- materiales,-construccion-sostenible-y-arquitectura (Accessed: October 6, 2022).

Renata Muñoz, 6°B Area 4

The creation of nanomaterials to reduce environmental pollution

Lilián Alexa Bribiesca Alvarado, 6°A, Area 1

At present, the massive emission of carbon dioxide and toxic and corrosive substances, such as sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide, among many others, has caused environmental pollution to increase more and more. To such an extent that it has provoked intrigue and has drawn the attention of different researchers and specialists from Latin America, who are looking for sustainable alternatives, such as the development of nanomaterials.
Dr. Ilich Árgel Ibarra Alvarado is a graduate of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), where he completed his undergraduate studies in chemistry. And he specialized at the doctorate level at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom.
He has been an important developer, together with Ph.D., Master’s, and Bachelor’s students, of what are known as ‘nanomaterials’ that in the future could cause a great positive impact on the environment.
According to an interview that was conducted for the UNAM scientific magazine ‘How do you see?’ in its most recent edition. Dr. Ibarra explains that “nanomaterials are nanometric-scale materials capable of performing different tasks in physics, chemistry, and emerging technological areas”; After having carried out successful tests to analyze carbon dioxide (CO2); Together with his group of colleagues, they now have the objective of testing toxic substances that greatly influence pollution, such as sulfur oxide, which was mentioned earlier.
In the last decade, the field of study of nanotechnology has advanced and has been developing not only in favor of improving solutions in the industry, but also in engineering, robotics, biomedicine, chemistry, and even in design. and innovation.
Nanomaterial projects can be designed to achieve specific functions. Therefore, large and important institutions such as universities and companies focused on the technology industry around the world have focused on promoting the development of nanotechnology as part of the new goals to reduce the ‘carbon footprint’, and clean energy generation, among many others.
Therefore, the design and development of these peculiar materials by Dr. Ibarra and his colleagues is part of ‘nanotechnology’, involving chemistry to positively impact the problem of environmental pollution. Focused mainly on the capture of carbon dioxide, through the confinement of polar molecules, heterogeneous catalysis and the capture of oxides and polluting gases that are harmful to health.

a) A. Inzunza. (Agosto, 2022). Divulgación de Ciencia UNAM. Ilich Argel Ibarra Alvarado. Nanomateriales para combatir la contaminación ambiental. ¿cómoves? Digital. Árticulo #12. [online]. Disponible en: http://revistadigital.comoves.unam.mx/assets/revistas/285/revista-cv-285.pdf
b) Gaceta UNAM. (2019, 4 noviembre). Dr. Ilich Argel Ibarra Alvarado. https://www.gaceta.unam.mx/dr-ilich-argel-ibarra-alvarado/
c) Castro, E. (2022, 18 agosto). Toyota Research Institute y Northwestern acelerarán el descubrimiento de materiales para generar energía limpia. MexicoIndustry. https://mexicoindustry.com/noticia/toyota-research-institute-y- northwestern-aceleraran-el-descubrimiento-de-materiales-para-generar- energia-limpia

Literature and Culture

Literatura Mexicana, 6°B


We don’t have any information related to this short story. But it has some fantasy and humor in it. This little text was found in a desertic place in Asia. The people there believe that this is a legend from an ancient god. 

Siempre hubo un elefante que estaba llorando porque murió ahogado en un santuario mágico. Cuando encontró desesperación y a un dragón, por primera vez. Lanzó un hechizo maligno que destruyó el santuario de sus sueños.

Isaak (ca. 20th century)

Some people say that she was born in Colombia, but her place of birth is unknown today. Posibily her ascendence was arabic.The only register of her life are her texts. This is one of them: 

Tus ojos azules me recordaban al mar
En el que aquella noche me dejaste de amar
Te amé tanto que no te puedo dejar de pensar
El crimen no fue amar sino ahora odiar

Sólo contigo me atrevería a hablar de eternidad
Con tu mente me ahogo y las olas sobre mis ojos están
Un sentimiento como el amor sólo con odio se puede reemplazar
La vida es como dos caras de una moneda, puedes vivir en la miseria o en la riqueza

Mientras yo vivía en la guerra tu buscabas otro amor por si yo moría
Tu corazón frío, en verano me va a calentar
Y si no es así, mi alma en vano morirá
Sé que terminará fatal, pero estoy dispuesto a en el intento fracasar

En un arranque el  corazón no palpitaba sin variar
Me persigue el recuerdo de tu extraño mirar
En el calor de tu amor mi tumba encontré
Y sin ti sé que nunca fuerte seré

La sombra de tus memorias hasta mi muerte me acompañará
Todo lo que me quitó, la vida que me dio, es la muerte que me aprendió
Sin ti perdido me siento cual tesoro en altamar
Ahora cuando te veo sólo imagino recuerdos

En mi vacío templo tus caricias residen
La parca que nuestro amor mató en la largas noches me acecha
Me entenderás cuando el alma te duela como a mí
Me dejaste amándote aún cuando sabía que no iba a funcionar

No es tu culpa, fui yo quien puso el corazón por delante
Tu voz es la melodía que me hace despertar, me acuesto pensando en cuándo te volveré a besar
Empezamos como extraños y ahora somos momentos en el universo
Hasta cuando tus besos extraño baso mi amor en el vasto uni-verso

Ahora sólo eres el efímero suspiro de lo que creí sería una eternidad
La monotonía fue suficiente para matarnos, pero no alcanzó para odiarnos
Sin llamada y sin respuesta me abandonaste cual perro en la calle
Con tanto amor que dar y a un cadáver sin amor quedar
Porque tu fuiste el país de todas mis derrotas


According to some intellectuals, this author could have died in 2017. Nobody knows where he is now. Some of his friends think that he could still be alive. Fantasia y Navegación. El mar de la Muerte is the title of his only work published in 2016. He was born in Mexico City in 1985.

Y ahí se encontraba, en el amor de su vida que finalmente lo traicionó, su velero varado a medio océano Pacífico. Náufrago abandonado, triste y desolado tratando de buscar sentido a la poca vida que le había quedado. Después de años de relación, solo se quedó con su velero rosa. No fue su elección perder al amor de su vida, las olas la llevaron consigo sin dejar rastro de ella. La voz del mar le hablaba al alma. Mientras que a través del espejo te veía ati. Impacientemente pensaba arrojarse al mar. Después de que su amor quebró, el a altamar viajó y después de varar en el amplio océano, con una sirena volvió a encontrar el amor. A lo lejos se observaba un pequeño atolón dondedecidiría desembarcar y descansar. Nunca pensé que este día vendría, cuando la luz del sol de nuevo tocaría mi piel.Cuando viera la luz del sol, sabría que todo estará bien. Sin embargo, algo no se sabía: el mar es misterioso. Ladesesperación del momento se detuvo, pues en la isla obtuvo una tranquilidad poco común. Esa tranquilidad iba adurar poco ya que sentía que el velero se desarmaba. Mientras las olas retumbaban, las ideas no paraban. Escucho tu voz dentro de un coral. Me suplica que me aleje de esas olas, olas que hicieron todo lo posible para que ella me abandonara. Ella lo miró, no con sorpresa o furia, sino con decepción, de que alguien que tanto le agradaba fuera capaz de tal cosa, no tuviera el nervio de fingir y justificar inocencia. Mi abuelo, un viejo pescador, un día me dijo algo que cambiaría mi vida y me sacaría de cualquier apuro… “Muchacho, tienes que aprender que el mar es comocualquier persona en la vida, si hablas con él, le ofreces tu lealtad y lo cuidas, él será tu amigo, úsalo a tu favor paraadentrarte en las bellas aguas de este lugar, tu hogar”. La mujer misteriosa llegó a mi vida de manera desapercibida;el recuerdo de su olor siempre está en mi mente. La sensación de la arena entre mis dedos me hace sentir como en casa. El error más bonito que he cometido y sin duda, del único que no me arrepentiré nunca. Su boca tenía sabor a mar, tal vez es por esa razón que se desintegró en ella. En el barco te fuiste, donde por última vez vi tus ojosbrillantes. Así le negué al viento que aún te pienso, aunque sea el principio,  pero no el final de nuestro encuentro. Ya no sé dónde encontrarte, no sé dónde más buscarte, pero sé que en el mar siempre volveré a mirarte, la sal me recuerda a ti y tu piel morena, como la arena. Tus ojos me buscan, tu mirada me tienta, sé que a pesar de que lamarea te lleva en mi corazón, vives y de tu mente soy el dueño. Y ahí estaba yo, un marino solo en altamar; tan sediento por sombra y cobija como en mi profesión se puede estar. Se vio a el mismo caer a las profundidades del mar, ahogándose del sabor a sal. Todo negro; navegando en mi pequeño velero mientras intentaba encontrarnuevamente la luz del faro que me había guiado desde que navegué el mar por primera vez. Abatido por el mar, dolido yengañado por su amargo final. Cierro y te miro, te siento. Para cuando el día terminó, más que un barco en altamar,era un santuario de recuerdos para perdurar.

Rodríguez Salinas

Lengua Española 4°

Neutron Stars
Adrián Méndez, Anna María Tello, Elda Sotelo, José Miguel Tejeda, Lyann Granados, Mónica Trejo, Patricio Álvarez, Sebastián Soto, Tamara Muñoz y Vianney Soto.

Neutron stars are stars about 1.5 times the mass of the sun. The core of these stars has the peculiarity that it is made up of a superfluid of neutrons or some unknown state of matter. Despite their small size, these stars have a mass greater than that of the sun and an incredibly strong electromagnetic field due to their high density.
Neutron stars are the death product of a supermassive star (between 8 and 20 times the mass of the sun); when these stars die, they can form a supernova, which subsequently undergoes a peculiar process; in this process, protons and neutrons unite to form neutrons and later stop the supernova from collapsing – this according to the Pauli exclusion principle.
In 1967, Joselyn Bell Burnell detected and analyzed strange radiation, leading her to discover pulsars. Neutron stars spin at high speeds, but their speed slows down over the years; stars still with enough energy to keep spinning can become pulsars.
Pulsars are neutron stars that emit light in beams from their spin axis. This light is emitted in the same way as a lighthouse, but on Earth, it is perceived as a pulsating light, hence the name “pulsars”.
For additional information:
● A spoonful containing a fraction of the interior of a pulsar would weigh 1 billion
● At least 2 collisions between a black hole and a neutron star have been recorded,
although the results of this collision are uncertain, it is known that this can lead to an
anomaly in the fabric of time!
● Their rotational speed can be so fast that they can complete one revolution in 0.001

Estrellas de neutrones. (2009, 12 noviembre). National Geographic. Recuperado 9 de septiembre de 2022, de https://www.nationalgeographic.es/espacio/estrellas-de-neutrones/amp
Púlsares. Sociedad española de astronomía. Recuperado 9 de septiembre de 2022, de https://www.cta-observatory.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/HojadeEjercicios_Pulsares.pdf
Prieto, P. B. (s. f.). ¿Qué es una estrella de neutrones? Medicoplus. Recuperado 9 de septiembre de 2022, de https://medicoplus.com/ciencia/estrella-neutrones
El púlsar más brillante y lejano del Universo. (2017, 21 febrero). ESA. Recuperado 9 de septiembre de 2022, de https://www.esa.int/Space_in_Member_States/Spain/El_pulsar_mas_brillante_y_lejano_del_Universo
Marín, D. (2014, 15 febrero). Curiosidades de las estrellas de neutrones. Eureka. Recuperado 9 de septiembre de 2022, de https://danielmarin.naukas.com/2006/07/31/curiosidades-de-las-estrellas-de-neutrones/#:%7E:text=La s%20estrellas%20de%20neutrones%20son,%2C%20menor%20es%20su%20tama%C3%B1o

Black Holes

Paula Siade, Santiago Espinosa, Matías Koller, Said Cárdenas, Regina Revilla, Rodrigo Meléndez e Ivanna López

Our Galaxy has been researched for centuries, and only about 5% of it has been discovered, which leads us to an enormous enigma of what exactly is out there, what surrounds us? Without a doubt, one of the most controversial investigated mysteries is Black Holes, which are, if proven to exist, cold remnants of antique stars, so dense that not a singular particle, not even light, is capable of escaping its gravitational force. Although many stars turn out to be neutrons or become white dwarfs (a term that defines stars with no hydrogen available), Black Holes represent the last facet in the evolution of enormous stars that were at least 10 to 15 times bigger than our sun. 

There are two existing types of Black Holes: Stellar Black Holes, which develop at the end of a star’s life cycle and drastically devour everything in their path, and supermassive Black Holes, which can be located at the center of galaxies and whose mass could be a thousand times bigger than the sun. Addressed as J2157 was a supermassive Black Hole detected in 2018 whose mass is equivalent to 34 million suns and 8 thousand Black Holes in our galaxy; it devours approximately two to three suns per day, and its formation remains unknown, resulting in scientific trigger warnings on how it developed as much since the Big Bang. 

According to the British scientist Stephen Hawking, Black Holes could behave as thermic objects that radiate heat and displace particles to the area beyond the horizon of events and occurrences, being the one that represents the limit that nothing could escape and never diminish. Certain prepositions resulted in confusion since it was thought that black holes’ very nature could not radiate energy. Hawking coordinated this idea in 1971, demonstrating that black holes have entropy and detach radiation in large time scales if noted their quantic effects. 

Could a black hole be photographed? This assumption would be practically impossible because the nearest black hole from the earth is 26 million light-years away, and all mankind’s known pictures are nothing more than interpretations from collected data. Nothing is what it seems in the Universe, and the immensity that surrounds us, with billions of stars and unknown phenomena, such as black holes, is impressively terrific. 


• Nieves, José Manuel (21/05/2017) Catherine Heymans: “We don’t know anything about 95% of the Universe”abc science.recovered on 19/09/22 https://www.abc.es/ciencia/abci-catherine-heymans-no-sabemos-nada-95-por-ciento-universo-201705210112_noticia_amp.html

 José Carlos Cueto (7 June 2021) “Stephen Hawking’s prediction about the black holes that MIT scientists checked 50 years later” BBC News World Stephen Hawking’s prediction about the black holes that MIT scientists checked 50 years later – BBC News World La predicción de Stephen Hawking sobre los agujeros negros que científicos del MIT comprobaron 50 años después – BBC News Mundo


Art History 6° B, Area 4

Have you ever struggled to relax and have a writing session? Have you ever stared at your blank word page and wondered how to start writing your essay? (that, we know you, it is probably due tomorrow!!)

In the Area 4’s classes of Art History and History of Culture we constantly exercise our writing, creative and reflective skills. 

This is how it works: we get a philosophical question to use as a prompt, then we have 30 minutes to write freely our answer to it; we do not stop to check our spelling or grammar (there will be time for that later), in this way we won’t miss the ideas that come to our minds. Finally, we get 15 minutes to check our grammar and spelling, in this phase we can re-arrange our paragraphs and make any changes we desire. 

Next time that you are struggling, try this method! We will be sharing our philosophical reflections with you throughout the year. Enjoy!

Ríos Olaeta, Eco Energy, 6°B Area 4

¿How has technology impacted in your relationship with culture? 

Marco Antonio Soto Aspra

When we refer about technology and its importance, we can think that it has a big role and an important meaning; this is justified, because its implications are not personal, they are not just for us or for people we know, this goes beyond. Technology allows us many things, it helps us when others can’t, it is a key balance for our daily life. For example, some people have met their friends on the internet and that is possible thanks to technology. There aremany things and many ways technology has impacted my culture and in reality, everyones interaction with it.

Culture is an important thing, when we stop to think what is culture and what we previously know about it, we start to think about important moments in history or something relevant that allows us to show the other person that we aren’t “ignorants”. But this is not always the case, the internet (and technology with technology) allows us to do research online, with this, we have a tool of information, a thing that can teach us. So back to the topic, we can use the internet to search cultural topics, with this we can known basically everything, but even with this we usually don’t do it, we do not seek to learn these things, but why? Well to be honest most uf us or at least the younger generations aren’t interested in the history of their countries or the world, but ¡Hey!, this is only one type of people. There are others that are so Interested in this and know a lot or even there are people that know a few things and that is the way technology and culture can go hand by hand. 

So what are the problems with this? The thing here is that not everyone can get to have technology, not all the people have an iphone or a tv or something that provides them the technology in the matter, so it is so popular that sometimes bad things happen and in that times we have to be carefully, we have to get to know that no matter what we do, no matter how much money we have, always, there always something that can get us to the ground. So it is the problem in fact that when people can’t have technology they become desperate or at least they get mad, so it is the big companies that they have more, they work with the high technology and all the people have to pay for that, all of us aren’t free of this because we live in a society that this is the way this works. For example the cinema, imagine you are producing a movie, you already record the scenes, later you would have to edit and add movie effects (that usually involve technology of some sort) and if you want them to be the best, you have to use the highest technology and that as always has a bigger price 

What we get to know with all of this is that technology teaches us a lot in many ways, it gets us new relationships in culture and changes our lives. So yes, we can say technology, currently,  is one of the most important things and that we get to have in this days. But that also we have to navigate carefully because not everything is “roses and hearts”, if technology is so good then that means that there could be something bad in it because when something or someone is so good and nice and awesome, there could be something else, not necessary something bad but there will be more that you know, ¡¡So be alert!! 

Emiliano Guerrero Machuca

Technology has been an important medium to express opinions, share our ideas, photos, achievements, etc. 

But technology also has been an important tool to share cultural information and to make the world know and enjoy culture. 

For example Mexico: Mexico has been a very important country regarding culture, people all around the world can see what we eat, how is the typical dressing in some parts of the country and the traditions. In places like the United States and Canada, Mexico has been a huge influence in traditions and Food, shown in the opening of restaurants like Chipotle, Taco Bell, and other independent ones. This can be attributed to the millions of Mexican people that live in those countries, however, the food is not the only thing that Mexico showed the world through social media thanks to technology. 

The traditions have been a very known thing all over the world, 5 de mayo is one that a lot of places and countries like the USA celebrate, cooking Mexican food, celebrating with ¨Piñatas¨ and more. There is no doubt that technology and social media have been important resources to investigate and learn more about other cultures in the world.  

However, technology and social media have been a dangerous and not a formal way to learn about culture, there is a lot of racism on the internet, people talking about some cultures that they don’t know well and adding rude and close-minded comments all over the internet, this due to false information and racist people all over the world that don’t allow other people to know what the world “Culture” means.  

In my point of view… Technology has been an important way to know about culture in any type like Music culture, Art Culture, and mostly about other country´s culture and know more about them, but there are indeed a lot of wrong ideas going all over the place, that should stop because that’s how racism begins and keeps growing in the world.

If you have the opportunity to travel to some different places, do it… is the best thing you can do when you have the option to travel anywhere you want. Don’t think about going to Disneyland if you already have been there, travel to different countries you’ve never thought about before, do research and know which are the cultures you want to explore, those are the things that change your life in a better way, the best way to know about some culture is to live that culture.  

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